What I see.
A spontaneous kiss, signs of a long love affair that still burns strong and inspires me endlessly.
I have written before about how sometimes I get stuck. I get in a weird way, where I am 100% my own limiting factor, and all of a sudden, I feel a breakthrough. I watched a documentary recently that really shook my head back to the place it needed to be in. When I plan too much, creatively speaking, it doesn’t work well, for me. I may get a cool idea in my head, and then attempt to create it, and so often it doesn’t turn out as “cool” or meaningful as I had anticipated it would. When I am the most productive, the most creative, the most FEELING my vibe and flow, is when I DON’T think too much. Sounds kind of weird maybe. I learned it when I was working with a mentor, and I oddly have to REMIND myself of this oddity of mine continuously.
I picked up my camera after a few months of struggling to create something I felt worthwhile, and with my mind free of any preconception. Now, I take it with me almost everywhere. If I see something intriguing, if the light hits something just right, if there is something that is so meaningful to me and it strikes me in the moment, I grab the camera and shoot. It has been most freeing, and I have felt more satisfied with the images that emerge from the developing tank more now than they have in months. Just by being observant and NOT PLANNING. I had to let go of taking a photo for anyone other than myself, and even in SPITE of myself. Yes, I was getting in my own way. To the extent that I had to remove my own expectations of myself and what I produce, and just let my intuition take over. It knows. ;-)
This blog share is just my “stuff”. Its what I see. It was me taking a photo with a purpose. My purpose, to be determined ONLY in the moment. :-)
I find it so satisfying that as I looked through my last few rolls of film, I felt extreme happiness and more feeling of accomplishment then I have had in many months. I definitely have taken images I like when I have been out shooting with more intention, but in the end, it is photos that I have taken like these, photos made when I felt compelled to, by something I saw or felt, that mean the most to me. This selection of images was just what I have been shooting the last few weeks. Regardless of subject matter, my take away from my own experience is that the process should often (I hesitate to say always because that is too confining) look like this. Be moved, be open.
I plan to continue this journey of not planning, and remember my intuition is a solid citizen in my head, and deserves the right to be relied upon. I appreciate her.
Thank you for sharing in my thoughts and world as always. Feel free to leave a comment or reach out if you have questions or ideas or just want to say hey!
Until next time… love and health to all.