Basics...sometimes its good to get back to them.
Giving in to the joy of just doing what comes naturally, can be so invigorating.
Senior Cecile Stone, 2021
Do you ever feel like you are just getting in your own way? I definitely have for the last few days trying to put together a blog post and say what’s on my mind. When my mind is full of chatter, I tend to get a really weird creative paralysis, which is just wildly annoying! My personal projects have been causing my head to want to explode because I want to do too much, sooo many exciting and cool things on the horizon, that it’s time to take a deep breath, re-focus and narrow my scope. I’m definitely one who is guilty of wanting to do everything at once and it’s not healthy lol.
So this one will be short and sweet. I’m getting out of my own way and sharing some shots taken last weekend on a trip to the botanic gardens. My limiting factors were shooting in black and white and one old color film stock that renders a more unique look. Not the typical choice for when one visits a place that is typically full of vibrant colors. I wanted to go more for mood, my mood, and see when I went “back to basics” and shot freely and intuitively, what I would discover.
The images I made are different, they are maybe not what you would expect or even care for, but they have a voice to me. I hope I can continue to get back to the basics, embrace a new trajectory and be open to however it may unfold.
I thank you for stopping by this little entry! I am excited to share some fun sessions in the next few weeks so keep your eye’s peeled!
Until next time, love and health to all!