Growth: vision, execution.
Self Portrait
I think in the world of creatives, most of us go through ebbs and flows of extreme productivity, inspiration and creation, yet we also go through times of self doubt, distain or boredom towards our own work. One other element that I have encountered during my many years as a photographer, is seasons of experimentation and growth.
2020 has been quite a difficult year for many people. For myself, although hardships have been existent, I gained a stronger sense of self, ability to set boundaries, expansion creatively, and more connection to the things that I truly value in my life. I definitely allow myself to “feel” when feelings strike, and to be upset, when I was frustrated with the nature of how things were rolling out. That being said, I firmly believe it is up to me to keep my life going in the direction I want. When one thing changes into a direction I don’t like, I pivot. I have pivoted a lot lately lol.
Where am I going with this blog…. Back to the title, “Growth: vision, execution”. I have ventured into what I consider a time of growth this last year. Maybe it was all the down time that I had to actually pick up a book, time to really assess what I wanted creatively and personally, or just the need to continue to expand my thinking. Probably all of the above. This blog post isn’t about MY art, but more of me wanting to document an experience I recently had that is adding to my growth of thinking and creativity and direction. Shooting in an urban setting isn’t something I do a ton, although I do really enjoy my experiences doing that now and then. This experience of being ingulfed in an art form (the murals) that I find intoxicating. The huge canvases that are the walls of the streets and alleys. These walls are now freshly adorned with new beautiful murals in downtown Denver. Crush Walls 2020. I want to share my trip there this year, as I set out to capture some of those magnificent murals, but also, to try to capture the experience of being down there, the vibe. It’s a good one. I’m not sure my attempt was a home run….but it is part of my journey and I hope you find something to make you ponder within.
Two days down in the RiNO district, and this was what I felt….
I have found myself being way more introspective this last year in particular. Focusing on different parts of creativity and voice within my own personal work. I want to get better. I want to have MORE voice and more ability to reach people’s hearts or emotions. I strive to open my thinking and ability to be comfortable making work that will help me to understand myself even better. I want to have a strong personal stamp on what I create.
I am excited!
Thank you for being here!!! Even if I was writing to myself, I would keep putting my thoughts down, whether they are musings bout my client work, or my personal work. This is part of the process for me, and helps reveal things I didn’t realize before. Its pivotal.
Health and love to you all!!!
**All images shot on Olympus OM2, Kodak Ektar and Kodak ProImage100 film, self developed and scanned.