Portrait & Fine Art Photographer


I enjoy writing weekly about my personal adventures, projects, client work and random things I find interesting! I love to interact with the community and encourage conversation and welcome questions!! Thank you for being here!!

How do I choose what to blog about?

If you have been following me for awhile, you may have noticed that I don’t really adhere to a super specific agenda on my blog. I was actually thinking on it last night, taking a moment to see if I like the direction I am headed and look back at what I have done in the past to learn from. What I realized is, I enjoy documenting what is on my mind and in my world, and hope that maybe it can help someone else. I seek information, other people’s experiences and guidance through people that I admire for one reason or another, and I have learned so so much by their willingness to share the daily tidbits, as well as their knowledge on whatever subject they may be versed in. If I can contribute to that pool of information, inspiration or just plain something to read, I would be thrilled and humbled.

You may find my blogs with session shares, thoughts on different technologies, “how to” posts (based on my own personal experiences) or personal projects. If it is at the forefront of my mind, that’s the pick of the day! Its not fancy, it’s just my way lol.

*all images in this blog post shot on an Olympus OM2 - Kodak Ektar 100 and ColorPlus 200 films.

We went to the chalk art festival a couple weekends ago, an event I hadn’t attended for quite a few years. I remember it being fantastically colorful and FULL of inspiration. I had quite a few favorites from the weekend and will be putting this event on my calendar for next year!

Thankfully someone (that someone may have been me ;-) thought the festival started way earlier than it did, and I am thankful that I misread it! We arrived and artists were already hard at work to recreate their pieces that were washed away the day before! We were able to get right next to them and their creations, and the walk was super peaceful and full of life.


First impressions

We stepped out of the car and this mural located a block away from the festival instantly made me look twice!

*click images to enlarge! They are SO much cooler if viewed LARGER!!

As we walked along the semi quiet streets, the shadows that the morning sun cast upon the art work added a whole new dimension!

As we made our way around, I mentioned before that there was such a fantastic vibe around the artists themselves. I was almost more intrigued with the creators, than the creations. I loved watching them work, seeing their chalk covered clothing, hands and feet, and the sweaty messy hair covered with hats. They were hard at work. Focus and thought brimming, while they were surrounded by chaos.

By the time we made it back around the other side, the crowds were so thick that we couldn’t stand it and had to bounce out. We stopped to support local businesses to buy some food, and then wandered 16th street for a few before heading back home!

The moral of the story is, this is my world. I write about what I see and how I see it, how I feel about images and life, and what I think may be important to share. I thoroughly enjoy having my own uncensored platform to expound upon the mundane as well as the extraordinary events. Being able to share experiences in my ever evolving life, work processes and things related to creating, makes me happy, fulfilled, and humbled if people actually stop to read.

I appreciate you all! Feel free to share the link if you find anything helpful that you think someone else may enjoy or benefit from! Also, drop me a line if you want to connect! I’m all about connecting!! :-)

Until next week…


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