Meyers Family - A session share!
An all time favorite!
When writing a photo blog, I think we all take a minute to consider what image do we share first? Do I go all out and share the best one straight out of the gate, or do I hold off and share that grand pay off later in the body of what I want to say? In this case, I hands down wanted to share my FAVORITE image from our session front and center! There are many more gems inside so I invite you to keep reading, but this one has got to go down in time as one of my favorite family portraits ever!!
The way I prefer to work with my clients, is to let the time we have together unfold naturally. Are there posed shots? Of course! What I have found however, is the more time we spend, and if we have the right environment to allow for everyone to become more comfortable, things like this just happen. If I were to have a family portrait like this taken of my family when my kids were smaller, this right here, would be an image I would print HUGE for my wall.
Sarah and Dan, as well as Edith, Alice and Molly were so fun to work with as they were also comfortable letting the day unfold with me. This family is super connected, it’s so evident, and the kids all had such unique presences, yet so bonded so strongly as siblings. It was really really special to get to be a part of for a few hours!!
I could go on, but I’m sure you all just want to see more of this fun session as it unfolded!! Here ya go!!
This kind of session is such fun to me. I feel like we really get a feel of what this family is like in the real times. I loved the more posed portraits that we got too, but it’s these shots that live on for me personally. The heart of the family shines!!
Sarah and Dan, Edith, Alice and Molly, thank you for letting me into your world for a bit. I loved spending time with you, and seeing the girls grow over the years!! One of my favorite things when photographing families!!
Until next time, I wish all peace and love.